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Seminars / Workshops

Here’s what some clients have to say after working on projects with Thomas Sigel…

“Thomas brings a great combination of energy and knowledge to all his workshops.  Be prepared to be engaged and challenged.  You will leave the workshop on a positive high.”  Richard Logue, Managing Director, Richard Logue Consultancy Limited, London

Whether led by Thomas, or by his speaking partners, including internationally-renowned keynote speakers from business, government, and academia, these seminars and workshops are designed to keep customers on the cutting edge of innovative thinking and major global trends. We can also tailor topics geared toward your organization.

A sampling of current workshops and seminars available from T Sigel Consulting include:

Library (for staff)
 How to Market Your Library: Effective Strategies to Attract Customers
 Understanding and Managing the Customer
 Creative Programming Ideas to Boost Library Attendance
 Copyright and Fair Usage
 Libraries in the Electronic Environment: How Online use of information broadens access, reduces costs and enables open sharing of content

Library (Children’s Programs)
 Storytime- Readings with interactive discussions/activities
 Children’s creative writing/art workshops

Library (for patrons) and Writing Groups
 Book Publishing 101
 The Global World of Publishing
 How to Write an Effective Book Proposal
 Creative Writing
 Small business workshops including: How to write a business/marketing plan, effective communication skills and more



School Workshops and Assemblies
 Writing workshops
 Author/publisher workshops

Marketing (ideal for all types of businesses who want to boost business)
 How to Write a Business/Marketing Plan
 Effective Communication Skills
 Customer Relationship Management
 Effective Copyrighting- Print, and Web
 New Strategic Thinking in Marketing in a Global Economy
 New Marketing and Consumer Behavior in the Changing Marketplace: Seeing the Unseen
 Marketing, But Not As We Know It: Marketing Organization- A New Process-Based Approach

 Various Leadership Workshops geared at all levels for nonprofits and profits
 Developing the Board: How to Transform Members into a More Effective Board


 To learn more about any of these seminars/workshops contact T Sigel Consulting at [email protected] or on telephone number 1-330-722-2541 in the USA.